Interface ElementAddressableVector

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, Iterable<ValueVector>, ValueVector
All Known Subinterfaces:
FixedWidthVector, VariableWidthFieldVector, VariableWidthVector
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseFixedWidthVector, BaseLargeVariableWidthVector, BaseVariableWidthVector, BaseVariableWidthViewVector, BigIntVector, BitVector, DateDayVector, DateMilliVector, Decimal256Vector, DecimalVector, DurationVector, FixedSizeBinaryVector, Float2Vector, Float4Vector, Float8Vector, IntervalDayVector, IntervalMonthDayNanoVector, IntervalYearVector, IntVector, LargeVarBinaryVector, LargeVarCharVector, SmallIntVector, TimeMicroVector, TimeMilliVector, TimeNanoVector, TimeSecVector, TimeStampMicroTZVector, TimeStampMicroVector, TimeStampMilliTZVector, TimeStampMilliVector, TimeStampNanoTZVector, TimeStampNanoVector, TimeStampSecTZVector, TimeStampSecVector, TimeStampVector, TinyIntVector, UInt1Vector, UInt2Vector, UInt4Vector, UInt8Vector, VarBinaryVector, VarCharVector, ViewVarBinaryVector, ViewVarCharVector

public interface ElementAddressableVector extends ValueVector
Vector for which each data element resides in a continuous memory region, so it can be pointed to by an ArrowBufPointer.
  • Method Details

    • getDataPointer

      ArrowBufPointer getDataPointer(int index)
      Gets the pointer for the data at the given index.
      index - the index for the data.
      the pointer to the data.
    • getDataPointer

      ArrowBufPointer getDataPointer(int index, ArrowBufPointer reuse)
      Gets the pointer for the data at the given index.
      index - the index for the data.
      reuse - the data pointer to fill, this avoids creating a new pointer object.
      the pointer to the data, it should be the same one as the input parameter